Fire/Alarm Procedures | Emergency Procedures | TJC

Emergency Procedures

Fire/Alarm Procedures

To report an emergency, call 903-510-2222 or 911

Fire Alarm:

If you hear a FIRE ALARM:

  • EVACUATE and call Campus Police.
  • Close door against fire.
  • Do NOT use elevators.
  • Use fire exit stairwells.
  • CALMLY evacuate to an open area 100 yards away from the affected building.

If you discover a FIRE:

  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
  • Notify Campus Police at 903-510-2222 and/or call 911.
  • Notify others in your area.
  • Leave building quickly, using stairs.
  • CALMLY evacuate to an open area 100 yards away from the affected building.


All fires should be reported to the Campus Police office. Fire alarms should be sounded in areas where they are available. Buildings should be evacuated immediately for large uncontrolled fires or heavy smoke. All doors should be closed after the building is evacuated. Once outside the building, individuals should proceed to safe areas at least 100 yards from the building, with care taken not to block passageways and roadways to maintain access for rescue personnel. Employees and students should not return to the building until appropriate authorities at the scene declare an all-safe condition. In the event of injuries, Campus Police will render first aid and call for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) assistance.