Tobacco-free Workplace Policy | Policies & Procedures | TJC

Policies & Procedures

Tobacco-free Workplace Policy

Why did Tyler Junior College choose to become a Tobacco-free Workplace?
The change is a result of recommendations from Student Senate and Faculty Senate in Spring 2014. Previously, the institution adopted a smoke-free policy in 2010. By recommending a tobacco-free workplace policy, it is clear there is a desire to create a safe, clean and healthy environment and make TJC a healthier campus. Furthermore, Tyler Junior College is committed to providing a healthy working and learning environment and recognizes the increasing weight of scientific evidence that tobacco use is harmful not only to the active user but also to the "passive" recipient who is exposed to others' smoke and vapors. The purpose of this policy is to reduce harm from secondhand smoke and vapors, provide an environment that encourages persons to be tobacco-free and establish a campus culture of wellness. Tyler Junior College is invested not only in academic achievement, but also in developing life skills that will promote individual and civic wellness. The College has a responsibility to its students and employees to provide a safe and healthful environment.

Where can I find the College policy regarding the Tobacco-free Workplace?
Please review the policy DH(Local) from the College’s policy manual here

When did the Tobacco-free Workplace policy start?
August 1, 2014

Whom does this policy affect?
This policy applies to all persons on College district property, including, but not limited to, employees, students, contractors and visitors.

Does the policy affect all TJC campuses?
Use of any tobacco product –including but not limited to, cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco of any kind, cigars and cigarillos, hookah-smoked products, pipes, oral tobacco, nasal tobacco, as well as any product intended to mimic tobacco products that contains tobacco flavoring or that delivers nicotine other than for the purpose of cessation – is prohibited in all property owned, leased, occupied, or controlled by the College. This shall include all buildings, vehicles, grounds, sidewalks, and streets considered campus property.

May I use tobacco products in my own car?
Use of any tobacco or vapor emitting products (as stated above) is prohibited in parked and moving vehicles while on grounds owned or under the control of Tyler Junior College.

Will there be cessation programs available for students, faculty and staff?
Students seeking assistance or related educational materials should contact the TJC Campus Health Clinic. Similarly, employees seeking assistance or related materials should contact the Human Resources office.

How will Tyler Junior College address compliance of this policy?
Tyler Junior College believes that self-enforcement will become a part of the norm. Students, faculty, staff and visitors will come to recognize the value of this policy and will choose to comply. Compliance with this policy is the shared responsibility and the right of all Tyler Junior College staff, students and faculty members. Any member of the TJC community may respectfully ask individuals to comply with this policy and/or report noncompliance when appropriate. If a student repeatedly violates the policy, the student will be reported to Campus Police. A student who is given more than two warnings by Campus Police will be referred for disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Similarly, if an employee repeatedly violates the policy, the employee will be reported to Human Resources for action in violation of College policy.

How will this policy be communicated to students, staff and visitors?
Education regarding Tyler Junior College’s tobacco-free workplace policy will be included in formal orientation for all incoming students. Sufficient signage will be posted to inform members of the campus community and its visitors, including contractors and vendors, of the policy. All administrators, deans, directors, department chairs, and supervisors will communicate the policy to everyone within their areas of responsibility.

How many colleges and universities have gone 100% Tobacco-free?
At least 900 campuses nationwide have 100% tobacco-free campuses.*

Isn’t usage of tobacco products a personal, legal right?
There is no "right to tobacco use" under any federal, state or local law. The College owns its buildings and grounds and has the right and responsibility to enact policies to reduce injury and illness by eliminating hazards and unsafe acts and conditions from its premises. Tobacco-free environments are not about forcing individuals to change their lifestyle or behavior. Rather, they intend to protect the greater campus community and College interests.

Why should I comply?
We hope civility and respect for others will guide all of us during the transition toward a tobacco-free campus. We realize that this policy may be taxing for those who use tobacco or vapor emitting products (as stated above), but we hope that these users will respect the right of their fellow members of the college community to have a tobacco free environment. We also hope that non-tobacco users will remind violators of the tobacco-free workplace policy with courtesy and civility.

Do I have to quit using tobacco or vapor emitting products?
No. The College cannot compel you to quit using tobacco or vapor emitting products (as stated above). You are encouraged, however, to use available resources to learn more about the health risks associated with tobacco use and smoking cessation resources.