Chapter 31 benefits | Chapter 31 benefits | TJC

Chapter 31 benefits

Veteran Readiness & Employment benefits (Chapter 31) are available to veterans who are at least 10% disabled, apply for Veteran Readiness & Employment Services, and have received, or will receive, a discharge that is not dishonorable.

Service members can receive this benefit only by meeting with a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor and applying.

Applying for Chapter 31 Benefits at TJC for the First Time

Returning or Continuing Chapter 31 Students – Required Each Term

  • Confirmation of continued eligibility from your Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Submit a TJC VA Certification Request Form
  • Provide proof of FAFSA submission if the term is in a new academic year through email to (Strongly Recommended, but Not Required)
    • Once your federal financial aid is processed, email your College Financing Plan to Click HERE for help with this step. 
  • Visit your TJC Academic Advisor to confirm your major and provide an official academic degree plan after registering for classes through email to 
  • If this is your last term and you plan to graduate, submit a Confirm My Graduation form and inform the VA Office at


Frequently Asked Questions: