Parents and Supporters | New Student Orientation | TJC

New Student Orientation

Parents and Supporters

We are so excited to have your student attending TJC! While it isn’t required, parents and supporters are encouraged to participate in New Student Orientation (NSO) with their students. We are thankful to have the support of parents and family members and recognize how significant each of you are in the lives of our students. 

Why participate in NSO with my student?

At NSO, we will provide tips and tricks for helping your student navigate the enrollment process smoothly and with your support. Keep in mind, specific NSO programming will be offered for guests and you will not be with your student during portions of the program.

How do I register to attend New Student Orientation?

The registration process for orientation guests (parents and/or guardians) is built into the registration system for students. When your student signs up for NSO, they will be prompted to add guests and should do it then.

But, if you weren’t registered and your schedule changes, just reach out to us and we can add you to the registration form., call 903-510-2523, or text 903-371-0120.

What if I need special accommodations during New Student Orientation?

We want to do our best to support the needs of students and guests attending New Student Orientation. The event is a combination of presentation, small group discussions, and activities that will, at times, require participants to converse with one another and move around campus.  There is a section of the registration form where you can share any special accommodations needed.