TJC feature twirler and Presidential Honors Scholar Beth Maddox, a sophomore biology major from Van, was named the National Baton Twirling Association (NBTA) Collegiate Southwest Regional champion.
The competition was held in The Woodlands.
“Beth is the first feature twirler from a junior college to receive this prestigious award, having placed first this year over several Division 1 universities, including TCU, SMU, Baylor, Arizona State and others,” said Jeremy Strickland, TJC director of bands.
“We are extremely proud of Beth for her hard work and dedication as an ambassador for TJC.”
Maddox will advance to the NBTA national competition, to be held this summer at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana.
In addition to her involvement with the TJC Apache Band, Maddox is in the Presidential Honors Program and is active with the Apache Chiefs, a group of student leaders who assist with new student orientation.
After graduating from TJC, she plans to attend Baylor University, where she will be a pre-med major.