“The Bell Tower Arts Journal,” created entirely by Tyler Junior College students brought home several awards from the recent Texas Intercollegiate Press Association Conference in Dallas.
TJC earned first-place overall and sweepstakes honors in TIPA’s literary magazine category.
“This holds particular significance because the literary magazine category is an open division, meaning any two- and four-year institution that produces a literary magazine can enter,” said Dr. Linda Gary, TJC humanities and philosophy department chair and Bell Tower advisor.
Individual student awards for those published in the 2015 edition of the journal went to:
- 1st Place – Cover Design: Justin Clark of Lindale
- 1st Place – Illustration: Katie Rowe of Van
- 1st Place – Poem: Julie Speaks of Arp
- 3rd Place – Short Story: Carl Speaks of Arp
The Bell Tower Arts Journal is highly successful because it is entirely student generated, Gary said.
Not only do TJC students create the poems, stories and images, they also hold contests for the cover design and look of the internal pages. They also lay out the entire, 56-page piece themselves, she said.
To see the TJC students’ work, go to www.tjc.edu/BellTower.