Toddler Classrooms | Classrooms and Teachers | TJC

Classrooms and Teachers

Toddler Classrooms

Toddler 1 Classroom

Classroom Ratio:
2 Teachers/10 Children

Chloe Reid 2021

Chloe Reid

  • Experience: 5+ Years
  • Education: Associate Degree in Child Development/Early Childhood from TJC
  • My Why: Working with children is my heart. I want to work with children because I believe the first five years of their life is SO important. I want to help children build a solid foundation that will stand for the rest of their lives. 

Toddler 2 Classroom

Classroom Ratio:
2 Teachers/12 Children

Megan Romine

Megan Romine

  • Experience: 3 Years
  • Education: Associate Degree in Child Development/Early Childhood from TJC
  • My Why: I believe that the first five years of life create the foundation that all children will use to build their futures on. It is my goal to give them all the tools they need to succeed through love, patience, and understanding