5 reasons to take 15 credit hours per semester | TJC

5 reasons to take 15 credit hours per semester

You probably know that 12 hours a semester is considered full-time, but this does not mean you will graduate on time.

Tacking on an additional 3 hours per semester increases the likelihood of graduating with an associate’s degree in two years, and a bachelor’s degree in four years. The initiative is called "15 to Finish" and here are 5 reasons why you might consider doing this at TJC! 

1. Graduate on time.

Associate’s degrees require 60 credit hours for graduation. Divide that into four semesters, and each semester must have 15 hours in order to graduate in two years. 

Graduate on Time

2. You have more flexibility.

Changing your major? No problem, you're already on the right track. The good thing is that you will probably only have to take a few summer classes, or add one more course to your load to catch up and graduate on time. An easy way to add a class after the long semester has begun is to take advantage of TJC's late-start terms, 12-week and 2nd 8-week. 

You have more flexibility

3. Save money.

You’re already cutting down the cost of college by getting your start at TJC, which is 1/3 the cost of a four-year public university, but living a college lifestyle is costly. Don’t get stuck paying an extra year’s rent, food expenses, car bills, and college fees without a full-time job. 

Save money

4. Start working sooner.

When you graduate, whether from TJC with an associate’s degree, or from a four-year college with a bachelor’s degree, you're more valuable in the work force. An extra year in college is an extra year you could be earning income using your shiny, new degree.

Start working sooner

5. You can do it.

Students often avoid taking an extra class because they think they aren’t up to it. The truth is that TJC’s advisors can help you plan a doable schedule, and our free tutoring is always available to back you up in a pinch. 

You da real MVP

Want more? Check out this video from Complete College America to get more information on the benefits of adding a class to your course load. 

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